06 May 2009

Successful School Programs

My first year as President of Dayton Oaks ES PTA is winding down. I wanted to share with you all a few of the programs of which I am particularly proud.

After School Programs:

PTA coordinated six after school programs for the spring term. Programs included conversational Spanish, Taking Golf After School, Yoga, KidzArt, and Drama Kids for all grades and MindTools STEM for Gr. 4-5. Approximately 100 children participated in these programs. PTA asked parents who registered their children for after school programs to visit the program at least once during the term. PTA wishes to thank the parents who took an active interest in visiting the classes, it was helped make the programs successful. For information contact Debbie Subera-Wiggin at j.wiggin@verizon.net.

Golden Sneakers Walking Program:

Kudos to the walkers who spent their Friday recess periods from March 20-April 24. Dayton Oaks students walked a total of 1035 miles in this year's Golden Sneakers walking program. PTA parent volunteers monitored over 220 student walkers during the spring program. This time students counted their steps with pedometers as they walked the track circuit (about one half mile). The walkers will receive the pedometers for their personal use with their walking certificates. 37% of the student population walked on March 20, the starting day on March 20. The participant percentage dropped to 14% on April 24, the last Friday of the program. Class participation percentages and each walker's distances are still being tabulated at time of publication. The PTA thanks the parent volunteers who generously donated their time to get this program off the ground.