30 January 2009

GE To Break Smart Grid Campaign During Super Bowl

My friends at GE continue their efforts to do well and to do good and demonstrate that making money while doing good for the environment are not mutually exclusive.

For the first time in its history, GE will advertise during the Super Bowl.

GE will launch its new advertising campaign, called “NOW,” with the theme of “innovation you don’t have to wait for.” The campaign will incorporate three themes including ecomagination, healthcare and global research, with a key focus on Smart Grid technologies.

Last September, GE and Google announced that they would lobby together in Washington D.C. for renewable energy and that they would collaborate on advanced energy technologies - including the development of a smart grid.

GE has a set of tools that can “enable grid intelligence processes” by “converting data into knowledge that decision makers use to drive greater productivity and profitability.” Hmmm — sounds like some mainstream BI or ERP talk. Either way, the point is that forward-looking CIOs can seize huge opportunities by getting out in front of how their companies evaluate, source, measure, adjust, and pay for their energy usage.

Sunday’s 30-second spot will feature a dancing scarecrow and discuss a” smarter, more efficient, and sustainable” energy grid as part of GE’s ecomagination initiative.
According to GE, “the ad is a modern take on the classic song, “If I Only Had A Brain,” from the film The Wizard of Oz, imagining what can happen when old technologies have a brain and become smarter.”

GE is incorporating augmented reality technology that will be featured on its new microsite – PlugIntoTheSmartGrid.com-This is the first time that augmented reality technology has been used to interact with a consumer in an advertising effort-Banner advertisements, print ads, and web films will drive consumers to the microsite to experience the augmented reality technology.

Pretty cool stuff.

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