17 February 2009

Caitlin Dunbar Named a 2009 National Women's History Honoree

This year's theme, Women Taking the Lead to Save Our Planet, encourages the recognition of the important work of women in the on-going green movement. The 2009 Honorees include scientists, engineers, business leaders, writers, filmmakers, conservationists, teachers, community organizers, religious or workplace leaders or others whose lives show exceptional vision and leadership to save our planet.

The list of honorees include such luminaries as: Hillary Rodham Clinton, Jane Goodall , Mary Hultman, Sally K. Ride, and our own Caitlin Dunbar, River Hill HS Student, who passed away in 2004.

“Caitlin Dunbar’s lifelong interest in nature and the outdoors lives on in the Caitlin Dunbar Girl Scout nature center established in her name by family, friends, and the Girl Scouts of Central Maryland following her sudden death from leukemia at age 15. This nature center offer stewardship activities on rescued wildlife and “hands on” environmental opportunities for Scouts and visitors to enjoy and appreciate.” Visit http://www.nwhp.org/whm/honorees.php to read more.

Caitlin accomplished much in her all to brief time. Her work and passion for the environment will continue on, as well the love of her family and friends for her.