22 April 2009

Happy Earth Day

Happy Earth Day!

In 1962 U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson, realizing that very few people were concerned about environmental issues, decided something needed to be done to protect the environment. He initiated the formation of the Environmental Protection Agency and helped to pass the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and the Endangered Species Act.

Senator Nelson organized the very first Earth Day, held on April 22, 1970. On that day, over 20 million people participated, helping to put environmental issues in the limelight. In 1971,the United Nations Secretary General signed a proclamation establishing Earth Day as an official international holiday.

At my daughter's school, we started our Earth Day celebration yesterday, with the planting of three Redbud trees donated by Mr. and Mrs. David Stadler, owners of Stadler Garden Centers (www.stadlergardencenters.com). These trees, located in the front of the school, are a beautiful addition to our landscaping plan and will help to reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

To assist our entire community to "Go Green", the PTA provided reusable grocery bags to all students. Please be sure to thank our student Environmental Club (www.follyquartergoesgreen.blogspot.com), our PTA, and our friends at Efficient Home LLC (www.efficienthomellc.com) for supporting this initiative with funds and a presentation to all this morning.

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