08 September 2009

Poker Lessons on Life

I have been playing poker since I was a young boy. In college I often supplemented my meager wages by playing poker with friends, the rugby team, and in the back room at Town Hall Tavern in College Park. Poker has bought me many a tank of gas, and more than a few rounds of brews. More important, however, poker has taught me much about life. Such as...

1. There is some good in all bad people, and some bad in all good people.

2. Fortune favors the bold.

3. Luck is not distributed evenly; it comes in batches.

4. Learn how to win and how to lose.

5. Poker forces you to put yourself into another’s shoes.

6. Poker teaches emotional control through deferring pleasure.

7. Poker teaches you to analyze and act based on incomplete information.

So shuffle up and deal.

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