01 October 2009

Greentech Investing Soars

The latest data for venture capital in green technology investing are in and the numbers all point upward, with the category now attracting more money than software or biotech.
Research company Cleantech Group and media company Greentech Media on Wednesday each released third-quarter data for venture capital in green technologies, showing that government stimulus spending and signs of a recovering economy have helped restore confidence in the sector.

Green tech has been one of the fastest-growing technology sectors over the past few years, but it now outpaces biotech and software in size as well. Data from the Cleantech Group and the PWC MoneyTree Report show green tech at 27 percent of venture capital investing, compared to 24 percent for biotech and 18 percent for software.

Although the numbers from the two reports vary slightly based on research methodology, the trend line is clear: up.

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