10 March 2009

Beer: It Does A Body Good

Crap. Now that I no longer drink this new research comes out: Forget milk. New research shows alcohol is good for your bones.

Scientists at Tufts University (do they have a football team?) found that moderate drinking seems to prevent loss of bone mineral density (BMD) associated with aging. Bone loss can lead to osteoporosis, which can lead to increased risk of fractures and injury.

Well, there you go. Moderate drinking. Cuts me out.

The researchers think silicon in beer might be the reason they found stronger bones in men who drink one to two beers or the equivalent in alcohol every day.

Beer has even more health benefits. It increases good cholesterol, helps you sleep better, and can even be used -- occasionally -- as a post-workout recovery drink because of its potassium, carbohydrates, B vitamins, and water content. Just read a Dean Karnasias book. He drinks beer after his marathon runs. Of course, he runs a marathon a day, so no beer gut.

But take it easy, guys. For beer to be good for you, you can’t overindulge. Drink moderately, which means no more than two drinks a day, otherwise alcohol will have the opposite effect on your health.

Go ahead and have that beer with dinner, but to prevent a belly and weight-gain-related health issues like diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease, keep the quantity down. And remember: One beer has around 120 calories, so you’ll have to work that off.

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