10 March 2009

HUGE NEWS: EPA Proposes First National Reporting on Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Yesterday I wrote about how President Obama's budget proposal puts EPA back in the game. Today comes more exciting news: EPA today proposed the first comprehensive national system for reporting emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases produced by major sources in the United States.

Make no mistake: THIS IS HUGE.

The new EPA is clearly moving at light speed to undo the many wrongs of the previous administration.

"Our efforts to confront climate change must be guided by the best possible information," said EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson in a press release. Through this new reporting, we should have comprehensive and accurate data about the production of greenhouse gases. This is a critical step toward helping us better protect our health and environment.

In developing the reporting requirements, EPA considered the substantial amount of work already completed and underway in many states, regions and voluntary programs.

The new reporting requirements would apply to suppliers of fossil fuel and industrial chemicals, manufacturers of motor vehicles and engines, as well as large direct emitters of greenhouse gases with emissions equal to or greater than a threshold of 25,000 metric tons per year. This threshold is roughly equivalent to the annual greenhouse gas emissions from just over 4,500 passenger vehicles.

The direct emission sources covered under the reporting requirement would include energy intensive sectors such as cement production, iron and steel production, and electricity generation, among others.

The first annual report would be submitted to EPA in 2011 for the calendar year 2010, except for vehicle and engine manufacturers, which would begin reporting for model year 2011.

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